Heated room
This model stands for a room which temperature is to be kept between two thresholds values using one or several heating devices equipped with thermostats.
When the heaters are stopped, the temperature in the room drops because of thermal leakage and the low external temperature.
As the heaters may fail, there is a chance that the room temperature will not be maintained in the appropriate range. Several performance indicators of this heating system can be assessed with PyCATSHOO:
• the evolution over time of the mean temperature in the room
• the quantiles at 1% highest and lowest of the temperature values
• the mean time the room spends under a given temperature value
• the cumulative probability distribution function of a chill event occurrence (e.g. Temperature < 14.°C)
Author : H. CHRAIBI
This model is a part of the samples provided with current version available for download.